Private/Small Group Instruction

Outside of camps and clinics, The EDGE offers opportunity for private instruction. These lessons can be small groups or one-on-one. Each coach's schedule is based on availability of courts, and their own personal schedule.  Each coach has a confidential rate.

If your athlete wishes to get some extra skill refinement, or wishes to get extra focused time with a teammate (e.g. - a hitter and setter want to work on their chemistry), these lessons can be a fantastic way to get focused attention that just can't be as targeted in a full team practice, or even a skills camp. 

Coaches Offering Private/Small Group Instruction

CoachHow to sign up 
Anthunee Galvan
Aricka Bench
Emily Narwold
Jackson Lane
Jen McKelvey
Julie Dalrymple
Kathleen Phillips
Luke Jennings
Mel Motallebi
Rachel Virbickis
Travis Hejny
Trixie Perez
All contents ©Copyright 2010 - present The EDGE Volleyball Club. Photos/videos used by permission. All rights reserved.